The Integration Joint Board (IJB) for Fife Health and Social Care Partnership is made up of representatives from Fife Council, NHS Fife and third sector organisations.
The Integration Joint Board, through it's chief officer has responsibility for the strategic planning, resourcing, and the operational oversight of a wide range of health and social care services.
The IJB meets bimonthly in public. On the alternate month the IJB holds a development session, which explores specific topics requested by the board members. The IJB is supported by three standing governance committees:
- Audit and Assurance Committee
- Quality and Communities Committee
- Finance, Performance and Scrutiny Committee
How does it work?

- The Scottish Government sets the general direction for health and social care across the country through their policies and funding mechanisms.
- The Integration Joint Board is responsible for the planning and commission of adult social care, primary and community care and unscheduled hospital care.
- Fife Health and Social Care Partnership works with local communities and care providers to ensure that care is responsive to people's needs.
- Individuals and communities are supported appropriately, and are enabled to live independent and healthier lives.
Integration Joint Board (IJB)
- Data Protection Policy
- Information Requests Policy
- Records Management Policy
- Fife Integration Joint Board Progress Update Review (PUR) Report 2024
- Code of Conduct
- Duty and Equality Outcomes
- Mainstreaming the Equality Duty and Equality Outcomes Progress Report 2025
- Mainstreaming the Equality Duty and Equality Outcomes Progress Report 2023
- Fife Health and Social Care Integration Scheme
- Standing Orders for the Integration Joint Board (IJB)
- Fife Integration Joint Board Publication Scheme 2023
- Integration Joint Board Risk Management Policy and Strategy 2023

For more information, meeting schedule and committee documents please visit the link below
Fife Council Committees - Integration Joint Board